Sunday, 28 July 2013

bandung, july 24th 2013
alhamdulillah sarjana cumlaude, thanks for all prayings, thanks for coming jiw :))

Thursday, 11 April 2013

happy 24 birthday jiww

happy birthdaaay, just ignore my pillow face and panda eyes, I wish you the best of the best things in life, just like you have given me the best days of my life. Wish you have the best and wonderful Birthday amiiiiin

tahun ini rasanya ada yg kurang, maaf g bs dateng g bs ngasih surprise maklum sibuk ppl hehe, tapi doa tetep mengalir, semangat terus jiiw usahanya, lancar rejekinya, makin dewasa, makin sayang keluarga,  semoga harapan2 km di tahun ini bisa tercapai, gantungkan harapan selebar keningmu amiiin 

I dont have any word to articulate this particular thought at this time, but one thing that I can always tell, I love you so much :)